Are you curious about the role of young people within the Church? Do you have questions about how faith and modern values can coexist? The MSSP Oratory Youth is hosting another thought-provoking “Bible & Beer” event tackling these very issues.

This open discussion, geared towards young adults 18 and over, delves into the challenges and opportunities facing both young people and the Church as a whole. The evening will explore topics like the Church’s stance on social issues, the balance between tradition and evolving values, the Church’s involvement in addressing critical problems, and the potential disconnect between the Church’s message and its actions.

Join a safe and respectful environment where you can share your views and hear perspectives from others. A distinguished panel of speakers will also be present to offer their insights and guide the conversation. This event which includes food and drinks promises to be a stimulating evening for anyone interested in the future of the Church and the role young people play within it.

Testimonies from previous events

  • We live in a world where many have their own opinion, but we rarely give each other the chance to develop it in a healthy way. Being able to listen and discuss particular topics with other youths can help widen your perspective as you become aware of a reality you might have not yet considered.

    Martina Laferla
  • Why bother listening to a talk? Why not instead simply email the text to every potential member of the audience? Bible&Beer have created new connections amongst participants and key speakers, and spread curiosity, understanding, empathy and excitement through words. It gave words the life they deserve.

    Bernard Grech
  • Bible and Beer … Personally, I think it’s a wonderful initiative to have a conversation and have your voice heard in a setting that is safe but most importantly, judgment-free. I believe that this concept has the potential to develop to contribute to the much-needed social change in today’s world.

    Roberta Cassar
  • It was a very different and enriching experience – I believe that it is very necessary for the Church in Malta to create such spaces of dialogue and encounter where different ideas, thoughts and reflections can challenge and give life to our Christian faith in the 21st century.

    Matthew Grech
  • Despite the fact that I have a bigger affinity with beer than with the Bible these events intrigued me from the start.

    Having a safe space to discuss current hot topics is rare nowadays and this event has provided just that, with the extra benefit of knowledgable and engaging speakers to keep the conversation flowing.

    Julian Vella
  • A true experience of reciprocal hearing done in great humility. Bible & Beer is a true experience of fraternal dialogue, where hot topics were discussed, taboo’s abandoned and we could all share our thoughts, listen to expected but above all receive the gift of one another as we are, with our own stories, perspectives and understandings.

    Ben Flores Martin
  • It is a very enjoyable experience which always leaves you wandering why there isn’t more like it.

    Alec Grech
  • The energy I felt and the genuine philosophical enthusiasm of so many young people was exhilarating. It was a breath of fresh air to share a conversation with people who are sincerely ambitious to make the world around them a better place. That kind of hopefulness in the good of this world has become very rare nowadays.

    Mark Lawrence Zammit
  • I truly enjoyed my experience at Bible&Beer. At first I was a bit skeptical because I was seated with people I didn’t know & I was concerned that our differing opinions might trigger a hostile environment but it was certainly not the case & I feel that that the whole point of events like this is to listen to different views & end up respecting them.

    Tez Saliba
  • Attending Bible&Beer events has been a profoundly enriching experience for me. These gatherings offer a unique blend of thoughtful discussions about faith and scripture in a relaxed, welcoming atmosphere. The casual setting makes it easy to engage in open, honest conversations, whether you’re a seasoned believer or just curious about spirituality. I’ve found that sharing perspectives over a drink creates a sense of friendship and deepens our collective understanding of the Bible’s teachings. It’s more than just an event; it’s a community where you can explore your faith, ask tough questions, and build meaningful connections. I highly recommend joining the next Bible&Beer event to anyone looking to grow spiritually while enjoying good company and conversation.

    Brandon Farrugia
  • For me Bible & Beer was a space where I could ask questions on current and often controversial subjects. The panel members encourage us to come out of our shell and look at the subject with an open mind. I encourage every youth to attend, but be ready to be challenged on your opinions!

    Lara Borg
  • For me the sessions of Bible and Beer serve as an eye opener, especially on those subjects that affect me in the flesh like the subject of LGBTQI. I also like these sessions because people who don’t come to church can also attend. So I have the chance to listen to their opinions and sometimes I get to open my perspective more on something that I have never thought about.

    Lynn Aquilina
  • For me, Bible&Beer provides a space to open one’s self to differing testimonials and opinions on topics and realities which as a “young” Christian I often contemplate and struggle to reconcile. In these sessions I have found solace in knowing that I am not alone in my struggles and have found guidance from the shared experience of panelist and attendants alike.
    I believe that anyone who is struggling to reconcile between their Christian beliefs and the realities of every-day-life would be greatly benefitted in participating in these sessions.

    John Parnis
  • With today’s fast paced lifestyle it is easy to put our own Hu aside. The Bible and Beer discussion meetings aim to address common daily issues in a more welcoming and relaxed environment. I highly recommend these sessions to youths from all walks of life especially those who seek to enrich their own faith even further.

    Clint Grima
  • The Bible and Beer sessions opened my eyes to the importance of compassion and understanding, highlighting how our diverse backgrounds shape our perspectives. They constantly remind me that dialogue with people of different opinions is of tantamount importance in the mission of the Church.

    Alan De Martino
  • Bible and Bear provides a space for great discussions on vital day to day matters from the Church’s perspective. As an accountant I was particularly interested in the session called “Redefining currency” whereby among other topics was discussed work life balance and greed for more money.

    Nicholas Ferry
  • Bible&Beer is a comfortable space where people can discuss very tangible everyday issues through a Catholic lens. I believe that our faith is not to be compartmentalised to church, or prayer groups – but it ought to be lived in the mundane tasks of everyday. It was therefore very interesting to discuss issues such as finances through the spiritual perspectives in a friendly and informal manner, whilst enjoying the company of friends and good food.

    Maria Giulia Pace


Christian Colombo is a computer scientist within the University of Malta and currently the chair of Humanists Malta. Humanism appeals to him as a continuous journey of search and discovery, committed to explore the varied perspectives and nuances of all that surrounds us. He is passionate about communicating computational and philosophical concepts, and creating opportunities for more dialogue, free and critical thought. To this end, he co-founded the Dialogue and Existential Inquiry Platform (DEIP) with the latest one being EPIX – introducing teens to existential philosophy.

Peppi Azzopardi is a Maltese TV personality who transcends mere entertainment. For years, he captained Xarabank, Malta’s longest-running talk show, using it as a platform to champion social issues and foster productive debate. Azzopardi isn’t just interested in high ratings; he passionately believes in bringing people together, regardless of background, to engage in meaningful discussions on even the most contentious topics. This commitment extends to his role hosting L-Istrina, the national telethon, showcasing his dedication to bridging divides and inspiring positive change within Maltese society.

Fr. Christopher Caruana has been a priest for twenty-three years. He is a Dominican friar and lives in the Dominican Community of Rabat. He teaches philosophy and theology at the University of Malta and the Major Seminary of Gozo. He is interested in various research topics, including the relationship between thought and neuroscience, the rational basis of faith, and the philosophical dimension of both natural and social sciences.

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