Lectio Groups

Moved by the conviction that the Word of God is essential for any Christian who wants to take his faith seriously, we have made an invitation to all those coming regularly to the liturgy, but not making part of a community, to join a small number of people like themselves, in order to pray through the Word of God. These groups (usually made up of a maximum of 10 people) meet once a month and make a personal commitment to start letting the Word of God influence and empower their lives. 

These groups are led by other lay members of the communities present at the Oratory, who have been praying through Lectio Divina for a number of years in their respective communities. The small groups offer the possibility, through contact with others, of coming more to the realisation that one is not journeying alone, while, also sharing experiences, so as to shed light on each other’s life journey. Throughout the year, Lectio Groups have the possibility of deepening their experience of journeying together by living closely the liturgical year and also seeking additional spaces through half-day retreats where more time is available for them to share, listen and receive God’s Word.