
  • Ivan Cauchi

    On a more personal level, I have also experienced a far greater benefit in how my relationship with the Lord has grown. At the MSSP Oratory, I found a dynamic relationship that has caused me to re-examine how I pray, serve, and relate to those around me. This change was unexpected and simply wonderful!

  • Costantino Mifsud

    People from different walks of life meet there and create a living community. Through the years I have met some amazing people. People who share my love of Jesus and our Catholic faith. People whom I could only come to meet through a place like MSSP.

  • Celine Sciberras

    One thing led to another and I found myself at the Oratory. It
    felt different. Maybe it was the music, the serenity on people’s faces, but for
    the first time in my life, I was there with all my weaknesses and didn’t feel judged. I felt genuinely loved for who I was. It was the last place I thought I would find this.

  • Ryan Dalli

    OratorjuMSSP has continously accompanied me in building firm foundations so that my relation with God can flourish by the same grace of God.

  • Elisa Vella

    The enthusiasm of the community and the commitment of the leaders set the basis for an honest friendship and an accepting and safe environment for all the members.

  • Joe Saliba

    But what we found there was a new horizon: A Eucharistic Service and Homily with meaning; a warm welcome by a caring community of fun loving ‘normal’ people, and not the fanatics we feared; and finally a rich calendar of activities which help us to truly live a Christian life rather than just pay lip service to doing so.

  • Marguerite Agius

    The presence of each person in this growing community makes a difference in our lives… a comfort to us, a feeling of being INCLUDED in a greater purpose. 

  • Romina & Josef Camillieri

     We are truly grateful that God permitted us to be in this community which has become our cradle of faith. Here we have continued to discover God’s love and mercy and compassion for us.

  • Carl Zammit La Rosa

    At MSSP I’ve found a space to cut off from the speed of the world, from the expectations of society and the stress that comes with all that. I’ve found a home where I can sit, close my eyes, and just be for a while.

  • Chris Xerri

    Over the years all this changed through the Oratory at Birkirkara. Here I found a mass that is alight, a community that participates without making you feel different. A crop of priests that are dynamic and soul searching with their words

  • Maronia Schembri

    At the MSSP Community I could experience the liturgy in such a beautiful way and this has helped me appreciate above all the importance of the Word of God and the Eucharist and all this, lived and shared with others.

  • Lynn Aquilina

    Mhux quddiesa komuni bħall-oħrajn, hi quddiesa ħajja, biż-żgħażagħ idoqqu u jkantaw diski allegrużi biex il-quddies ma tibqax boring. Il-qassisin fl-omeliji jpoġġu quddiemna realtajiet li kull żagħżugħ u żagħżugħa jgħaddi minnhom illum il-ġurnata u jisfidawna biex ma nkunux biss insara tal-isem.

  • Julian & Annabelle Xuereb

    Somehow, at the Oratorju MSSP we manage to Pause, Reflect and Reconnect with what truly matters through a Christ centered spirituality based on His word. It helped us embrace the Catholic liturgy in a way that it deepens our spiritual experience.

  • Gordon and Olivianne Farrugia

    The community at the Oratory walked with us and instilled in us the MSSP charisma of following Him wherever he takes us.

  • Josie and Rosa Farrugia

    We feel very blessed, in fact after a short period, the family of my daughter including her three children joined the community.

  • Anita Aloisio

    I still love what I do professionally, yet somehow, I now function from a very different place. One of wellness, wholeness and integration, where hope, faith and love all come together in deep relationships, the ultimate one with Christ!

  • Ray DeMicoli

    We are so drawn to the Oratorju for many reasons. The welcoming spirit of the community is inspiring. However, the main reason is without doubt the powerful Sunday mass.

  • Frederick Gingell

    Even though I am now 72 years old, it is unbelievable how one is accepted whatever the age. Most of the participants are much younger than I am, but I feel very comfortable with any of them. This atmosphere of acceptance is so real at the Oratory.