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The coming together as one community especially in the Eucharist and the importance that is attributed in celebrating important feast days in the liturgical calendar, is the spring of living water that all who come receive.

On-going Formation

One of the Oratory’s main missions is that of bringing God’s Word and Christian Tradition closer to those who frequent this place and who follow its implications in their daily lives.

Lectio Groups

It is our conviction that the Word of God is essential for any Christian who wants to take his faith seriously, thus we invite our members to join a smaller circle where together they can share, pray and deepen their understanding of Scripture.

Seminars & Day Retreats

Extensive refurbishment has been carried out in order to create new spaces which can serve as facilities for day retreats and conferences which are so commonly sought in Malta.



  • Oratorju MSSP has continously accompanied me in building firm foundations so that my relation with God can flourish by the same grace of God.

    Ryan Dalli
  • At the MSSP Community I could experience the liturgy in such a beautiful way and this has helped me appreciate above all the importance of the Word of God and the Eucharist and all this, lived and shared with others.

    Maronia Schembri

Catechesis for Children

A primary focus is given to the holistic formation of the young generation. Through the care and service of lay people, these children receive twice weekly Catechism classes.

Youth Ministry

Since its origins, the Oratory has strived to be an environment which opens its doors to youth and adolescents, providing them the opportunity to find who they are in the process of leadership while encountering others.